
Affirmation is a declaration that something is true. In New Age thought it is the practice of positive thinking by affirming that something is so  i.e., saying "I am loved and cared for," for example, even if one is feeling otherwise. By repeatedly saying affirmations, one can replace negative thoughts and expectations with the positive ones that are being repeated. The practice can be used for healing, for encouragement and upliftment, for changing the way one thinks, acts, responds to others and life events, to restructure one's belief system.  When one identifies that their thought patterns are negative, for example, one expects the worst things to happen, one can change that pattern by repeating "All things work together for good," for example, to replace the old pattern. 

Releasing Anxiety
Do not practise affirmations with anxiety about results. I know it may seem like a contradiction - to practise having results that one wants without being anxious about seeing the results manifest. But an important spiritual principle is to act - do the right thing - without being anxious about the outcome.

I have included this section on this blog to encourage you to try affirmations as a way of compassionately caring for yourself and others along with prayer and insight. I caution against superficiality and I encourage perseverance and patience. Compassionate practice also requires equanimity.

Positive Affirmations for Life
My being radiates the depths of my inner understanding.

All my cells rejoice in healthy living.

Love surrounds me and fills my mind and heart.

All my loved ones are safe, healed and whole.  I am safe, healed and whole.

I trust in the process of life and the universe returns my trust with support and love.

I open my heart and allow wonderful things and people to come into my life.

My open heart shares its wisdom with all.

I am happy, prospered and all my needs are met in life.

Everything I encounter has meaning and purpose and I have the wisdom to learn from my experiences.

I allow love to find me and I release anxiety and desperation.  I am open to receive my good.